Gopalam Embedded Systems

Gopalam Embedded Systems Pte Ltd (GES) is an associate company of Electro Systems Associated Pvt Ltd in India. GES is a leading supplier of hardware and software development tools for Embedded Systems market in Singapore and Malaysia. GES has rich expertise and vast knowledge of Real-Time Embedded Systems and development tools like Compilers/IDEs, Debuggers/Simulators, In-Circuit Emulators/In-Circuit Debuggers/ROM Emulators, Middleware, Linux etc .GES delivers System Level Solutions for Embedded Systems including Application Porting , Device Driver Development, RTOS Porting to Target systems , Applications in C and C++ , Assembly and Firmware.
10, Jalan Besar #08-02, Sim Lim Tower,
Singapore 208787,
Phone: (65) 6296 3161
Fax: (65) 6296 5828