SFG-1000 DDS Function Generator

- DDS Technique and FPGA Chip Design
- Frequency Range:0.1Hz~3MHz
- High Frequency Accuracy : ± 20ppm
- High Frequency Stability : ± 20ppm
- Max. Frequency Resolution : 100mHz
- Low Distortion Sine Wave : -55dBc,0.1Hz~200kHz
TOE 7404

- Power - 1,1 W
- Voltage - 30 V
- Current
- Interface
- Highlights - Low-price signal source with integral
feedback voltage protection and frequency counter. Extremely rugged and
simple to use.
TOE 7741

- Power - 63 W
- Voltage - 45 V
- Current
- Interface
- Highlights - Power Function Generator with 63 W output
power, feedback voltage protection and frequency counter. Extremely